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  • Writer's pictureJeremy Ikner

God has a plan, and our plans may not be a part of His plan.

We plan the way we want to live , but only God makes us able to live it. Proverbs 16:9 (MSG)

Plans are great to have, but sometimes plans are just not going to go the way we want them to and when this happens we have to truly trust God’s plan, even though it’s hard. God has purpose in everything He does. Maybe the plan did not go your way because God wanted you to draw closer to Him or cross paths with a person who is about or going through whatever circumstance you are in or have been through.I can tell you from experience that God knows what He is doing. For example the college I chose to attend was not a part of my plan five years ago but if I did not attend this college I would probably not be attending the churches I love or spending more time with my famliy. Even though we cannot see the end result, trust God and His plans. He knows what He is doing even though it may not seem like it.

Our plans are like a five year old’s drawings. we think it’s a perfect mess. But God’s plans are like Bob Ross’s paintings. He makes something out of nothing and turns its into a beautiful picture even if it was messy along the way it is the same way with God’s plans He has our best interest in everything.

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