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  • Writer's pictureJeremy Ikner

Running On Coffee And Jesus

“Don’t get tired of helping others. You will be rewarded when the time is right.” (Galatians 6:9 CEV) Being a follower of Christ is hard, especially when you challenge yourself to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Since Sunday , I have been running on coffee and Jesus.

When you choose to give up your time,serve others, and grow closer to God, it will always be the best choice. You might not always have the best time, but there’s a fulfillment in being the hands and feet of Jesus, and truly loving your neighbor as yourself like the Lord has called us to do.

The past three weeks have been exhuasting, far greater than I could of planned or imagined. The first week I went to a youth camp. That prepared me for the next two weeks. While I was at youth camp my nephew was born. I have not met him yet, but I cannot wait to hold him!

The second week I had the best trip ever to Haiti. I was out of my comfort zone and God used me and my obeidence. Any time God calls you out of your comfort zone and you’re obedient to follow God, it will be the best decesion you make. It will grow you as a follower of Christ. “I don’t think the way you think. The way you work isn’t the way I work. ” (Isaiah 55:8 MSG) When I left for Haiti, my plan was to be home for three days because after those three days I was blessed with the opportunity to be a camp counsler at a camp for children with disabilities. Sometimes though God has better plans and He knows exactly what we need. On the way home from Haiti our flight got delayed and some of our team stayed at the hotel. That hotel was the best thing ever. That night we had the best pizza and cookie. It was midnight but that made it even better. I didn’t know at the time but full blown construction was going on at my house because of a water leak….there was little rest to to be had there. So I was well rested in the hotel.

(“The Lord replied , ” My presence will go with you , and I will give you rest Exodus 33:14 NIV). Two days later I went to be a camp counsler at thr camp for children with disabilities. The day I went to be a camp counsler the tiredness hit, but God gave me strength and joy for the week. Sunday I got back from camp and I have been running on coffee and Jesus ever since. When we get tired and worn out we can cling to some verses such as “Do your work willingly, as though you were serving the Lord himself, and not just your earthly master.” (Colossians 3:23 CEV) The Lord has you wherever you’re at for a purpose. If your work situation is not the best right now, remember God has you there for a reason. Treat it like a mission field. Let your friends see the Christ in you. Another verse to cling to when you are tired and worn out is “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Corinthans 10:31 NIV) The way you live your life can be for the glory of God. It is your decision, but you can give God glory in anything and everything you do, whether you’re at the house or serving God. Sometimes when serving God you may only end up planting seeds and that is okay. Seeds do not stay seeds, they grow when they are watered. If you’re tired and exhausted, God will give you strength and keep you going.

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